Healthful habits and good nutrition go a long way towards preventing chronic disease. If you’re looking for a more holistic kind of healthcare, or prefer to avoid medications, naturopathic care can help you. By identifying and eliminating the underlying causes of illness, we can help with many chronic health conditions.
One of my favorite things about naturopathic medicine is the emphasis on the clinical interview. Taking a detailed history for each patient can help us get to the bottom of longstanding health problems. It also helps your doctor know more about you as a person and allows for more individualized treatment plans that are designed around your preferences.
Optimizing nutrition is a huge component of natural medicine. When we give our bodies the proper nutrients to thrive, they are much more adaptable and resilient. Managing diet is something that I talk about with all my patients, but whether you’re ready to jump into a strict whole-foods plant-based diet, or are just looking for strategies to add more vegetables into your current dinner rotation, I will help come up with a plan that works for you.
Exercise is also very important to longterm health. Finding ways to increase movement and integrating exercise plans that last a lifetime is a necessary component for lasting health. That doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym six days a week, but we will discuss ways to add exercises you like into your daily routine.
While diet and lifestyle are incredibly important, additional treatments such as botanical (herbal) medicine, or dietary supplementation are often useful. These don’t necessarily replace pharmaceutical medications, but botanical and nutritional medicine can help with many health conditions. I use these medicines as components of comprehensive treatment plans, which will usually have elements of both natural and conventional treatment options.
I don’t often prescribe supplements by themselves because I want my patients to get as much of their nutrition from their diet as possible, but sometimes supplements are useful additions. I will never design a treatment plan for you that replaces good nutrition with handfuls of supplements.